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International Master on Advanced methods in Particle Physics

Prof. Dr. Louie Corpe

  • University:
    University of Clermont Auvergne
  • Department :
    Physics Department
  • Email :
  • Link to a personal website :
  • Teaching topic :
    Beyond the SM physics / Wekaly interacting particles / Long-lives particles and unusual signatures / Data analysis challenge
Research activity description and interest :

I am an experimental physicist working in the ATLAS collaboration. My research includes searches for new exotic particles as well as precision measurements of the Standard Model, and re-use of both types of analysis to contain new physics models (re-interpretation). I am also involved in instrumental physics via the development of the readout software for the High Granularity Timing Detector upgrade of ATLAS. From October 2024 I will be in charge of coordinating the “Exotic physics” programme of ATLAS, which englobes the activities of around 500 researchers and is responsible fo about 20% of the physics output of the collaboration.