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International Master on Advanced methods in Particle Physics


Organisation of the Master’s projects 

We summarise the most important aspects of the organisation of the Master’s projects and the final examination here. Please see the Examination Regulations for official rules and regulations.  


Click here for the current proposals.  

Admission to Master’s projects 

  • The third semester offers plenty of opportunities to get in touch with researchers, universities, and institutions regarding potential internship projects. Once a topic is chosen, it is important to define a supervisor from the institution where you will conduct the research. Please also discuss the organisation with him or her, e.g. travel to the institution, visa requirements, financial support, etc. 
  • The supervisor should act as the first referee. The second referee should come from one of the three universities (Bologna, Clermont, Dortmund). 
    • You are obliged to fill out an admission form for the Master’s thesis. It is available on request by e-mail from the examination office ( The admission requirements are the collection of at least 84 CP.
    • The definition of a thesis project and a supervisor / first referee. 
    • The suggestion of a second referee.
    • You must choose one of the following elective modules on the admission form, depending on where you conduct the Master’s project: o Preparation for the final examination research conducted at any French, Italian or German university.
    • Preparation abroad for the final examination research conducted at any university outside France, Italy and Germany.
    • In preparation for the final examination, → internship is conducted at any company or research institution in Italy, France or Germany. Research institutions are, for example, DESY, Max Planck Institute for Physics, INFN, IN2P3, etc., i.e., any lab independent of the universities. 
    • Internship abroad in preparation for the final examination internship conducted at any company or research institution outside France, Italy, and Germany, e.g. TRIUMF in Canada and BNL in the US. Etc.
    • It is also necessary to sign a supervision agreement with your supervisor. The supervision agreement has to be sent to the head of the examination board (currently Kevin Kröninger). 

Master’s thesis 

  • The Master’s project will last six months (maximum). It will conclude with a written Master’s thesis, which has to be submitted within the duration of the Master’s project. 
  • Upon justified application, the examination board can grant an extension of up to four weeks to complete the Master’s thesis. 
  • If the Master’s thesis has not been successfully completed, it can only be repeated once and with a new topic. However, it is possible to change the subject of the Master’s thesis within the first two weeks. 
  • The thesis should have a length of approximately 60 pages. Additional appendices are possible. 
  • The thesis must be submitted via the online portal ExaBase at TU Dortmund University: 

Final exams 

  • The primary session of final exams will occur at the end of the summer term (September 30th). It will be held in presence, usually at one of the three universities. In exceptional cases, participation via ZOOM is possible. 
  • A second final session will be offered via Zoom early in December for those who missed the primary session. Be aware that you will have to enrol for an additional semester and pay fees for this additional semester. The same holds true if you still have to collect credits for other modules. 
  • The final examination comprises a presentation about the internship (about 20 minutes) and a discussion (about 15 minutes). The examination will be conducted by a jury of teachers from all three universities. The grades will be announced after all examinations are completed. 
  • The Master’s thesis has to be submitted at least two weeks before the final examination. 
  • To participate in the final examination at the end of the summer term, it is advisable to start the Master’s project in February or at the beginning of March at the latest. You must hand in your thesis on September 15th at the latest. 


  • The two referees will grade the Master’s thesis. The grade of the Master’s thesis is formed from the arithmetic mean of the two individual grades (see Section 22 of the Examination Regulations). The thesis will be counted with 18 CP. 
  • The jury will grade the final examination. It will be counted with 12 CP. 

Intership opportunities 2025

Searching for long-lived particles associated to top quarks with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Louie Corpe, Bruna Pascual

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Atlas,Top quark physics, LHC
Effective Field Theories interpretation in ttHH events at the ATLAS experiment
Adrien Auriol, Romain Madar

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Phenomenology, LHC, Atlas

Rare Baryonic-Radiative decays of B mesons with LHCb
O. Deschamps, R. Lefévre

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Study of charmless b-hadron decays with the LHCb spectrometer
Simon Akar

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Study of the decay Bs → τ+τ− at the high-luminosity Z factory FCC-ee
Stephane Monteil

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Future Collider, FCC-ee

Studying the sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay B0-> π0π0, where one π0 decays to the Dalitz e+e-gamma channel
Vincent Tisserand

Graduate Track scholarship (2500 )

Future detector simulation, Flavour Physics, LHC, LHCb

Improving top+photon event identification with machine learning techniques
Andrea Knue

Rare charm decays in and beyond the standard model

Rare charm decays into missing energy 

Gudrun Hiller

Phenomenology, Flavour Physics

Characterization of ATLAS ITk Strip Detector Modules

Proton imaging using active CMOS Pixel Detectors

Jens Weingarten

Detector studies, LHC, Atlas

Enhancing the efficiency of event generation with MCMC and machine learning techniques

Cornelius Grunwald

Phenomenology, Flavour Physics

Pile-up suppression in topocluster formation

Topocluster calibration validation in data and Monte Carlo

Improvements to topocluster formation using machine learning

Lepton overlap removal in the particle flow algorithm

Chris Malena Delitzsch

Jet reconstruction, LHC, Atlas

Sensitivity study of time-dependent CP violation in B2D*pi decays at LHCb
Johannes Albrecht, Quentin Führing

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Study of novel techniques in the LHCb Flavour Tagging
Johannes Albrecht, Quentin Führing

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Study of background contributions for LFU measurements with rare decays with Run 3 LHCb data 
Johannes Albrecht, Biljana Mitreska

Flavour Physics, Lepton Flavour Universality, LHC, LHCb

Search for rare B decays into four muons with Run 3 LHCb data
Johannes Albrecht, Biljana Mitreska

Flavour Physics, LHC, LHCb

Multiplicity dependent strangeness production in LHCb Run 3

First look at SMOG2 p-H2 data aka particle ratios at 110 GeV

Tune charm production in CR event generators to LHCb 

Johannes Albrecht, Felix Riehn

Flavour Physics, LHC, LHCb

Machine learning techniques for the second level trigger at LHCb
Johannes Albrecht, Alessandro Scarabotto

Real data analysis, LHC, LHCb

Characterization HV Maps for LHCb Upgrade II

Fast read-out for diamond detectors

Johannes Albrecht, Dirk Wiedner

Detector studies, LHC, LHCb

Search for new physics with effective field theories in H→WW VH with ATLAS

Improved search for new heavy particles with ATLAS Carsten Burgard

Enabling the Publication and Reanalysis of ATLAS Higgs Boson Discovery

Carsten Burgard
EFT, LHC, Atlas

Ultra-low background levels in searches for light dark matter through active particle discrimination in liquid scintillators

Ray tracing simulations of X-ray optics and study of multilayer coatings

Astroparticle physics analysis of observational data from space-based x-ray telescopes

Advancing focusing optics for small-animal radionuclide imaging in biomedicine: SPECT with multilayer-coated Wolter-I microscopes

Simulation and and implementation of measurement of radiopurity of the x-ray mirror substrates for the International Axion Observatory (IAXO)

Jaime Ruz /Julia Vogel
Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Detector physiscs, simulation
Search for CP violation with charm decays at LHCb
Angelo Carbone, Marianna Fontana
INFN support for travelling

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Picosecond time measurement with a luminometer at LHCb
Angelo Carbone, Fabio Ferrari
INFN support for travelling

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Search for CP violation with Lambda_b and B decays at LHCb
Angelo Carbone, Stefano Perazzini
INFN support for travelling

Flavour Physics, CP violation, LHC, LHCb

Neutron-induced cross section measurements
Cristian Massimi
Support two months at CERN and INFN support for travelling

Nuclear Physics, FOOT, n-TOF

Characterization of the cosmic neutrino flux with the KM3NeT experiment

Maurizio Spurio
INFN support for travelling

Neutrino Physics, KM3NeT

Muon dynamics in tapered capillaries

Massimo Giovannozzi
INFN support for travelling

Accelerator Physics, LHC

Search for Long Lived Particles in ATLAS using time of flight information (Optimisation of the selection)
Laura Fabbri
INFN support for travelling

High-PT Physics, LHC, Atlas

Search for Long Lived Particles in ATLAS using time of flight information (Calibration of the Muon Spectrometer)

HIDRA – new calorimeter technologies for Frontier Physics

Iacopo Vivarelli
INFN support for travelling

High-PT physics, Detector simulation, LHC, FCC-ee Atlas

Measuring quantum correlations in H–>WW events created at LHC using ATLAS data

Measurement of quantum correlations in top-quark pair final states at LHC

Federica Fabbri
INFN support for travelling

Quantum Effect in Particle Physics, LHC, Atlas

First Physics Results of the High Energy Particle Detector aboard the CSES-02 Satellite

Alberto Oliva
INFN support for travelling

Astroparticle physics, Limadou-2

Test and Optimization of QUnfold a Quantum Annealing-based Unfolding tool for HEP

MIDDLE: a deep learning tool for jet soft-muon tagging

Study and control of superconducting qubits system in resonator cavities for QUART&T

Matteo Franchini
INFN support for travelling

Commissioning, beam-test and data analysis of a large-area prototype SiPM readout plane for the ePIC dual-radiator RICH detector at the EIC

Roberto Preghenella
INFN support for travelling

Detector Physics, EIC

Neutrino Event Reconstruction in DUNE/SAND
Gabriele Sirri
INFN support for travelling
Neutrino Physics, DUNE, SAND
Simualtion for driect Dark Matter Searches with the CRESST experiment
Jochen Schieck
Astroparticle, Dark Matter, CRESST
HEPHY-Wien (Austria)
Optimization of Machine Learning in the Search for Charged Higgs Bosons Using CERN ATLAS Data
Andre Sopczak
Possible to be checked
High-PT, Machine Learning, LHC, Atlas
Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Searches for new physics in top quark events in an Effective Field Theory approach
Prof Andy Jung
Possible to be ckecked
EFT, top quark, LHC, Atlas
Purdue University (USA)
Studying heavy quark production at the LHCb experiment
Dr Tom Hadavizadeh
Possible to be checked
Flavour Physics, LHC, LHCb
MONASH University (Australia)
Measurement of the photon polarization in radiative charm decays at Belle II
Angelo Di Canto
Possible to be checked
Flavour Physics, KEK, Belle-II
BrookHaven National Laboratory (USA)