Final examination and Award
The final examination held annually at the end of September in one of the three partner universities.
By successfully completing the degree program, candidates have demonstrated that they have learned advanced technical knowledge, skills and methods that are required for scientific work and for scientifically-oriented professional activity and that enable them to critically new scientific findings and use them in professional practice.
With the Master’s thesis, candidates should demonstrate that they can independently work on a problem setting in physics according to scientific methods and within a given period of time.
For more information click on the link below:
Second Graduation Session – September 30, 2024

The second Master’s degree session was held in Bologna on September 30, 2024 in the headquarters of the Department of Physics and Astronomy “Augusto Righi” of the University of Bologna.
The 9 students enrolled in the academic year 2022/2023 discussed their theses prepared during the fourth semester of internship.
Student | Thesis Title | Institution | Supervisor |
Maxime Barthoux |
“Study of EFT operators in the top quark sector with ATLAS, based on their CP properties“ |
Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont |
Prof. Dr. Romain Madar |
Alberto Bellavista |
“Study of the simulations of the readout for the future LHCb Electromagnetic Calorimeter and characterization of photomultipliers“ |
University of Bologna |
Prof. Angelo Carbone Dr. Loris Martinazzoli Prof. Marco Pizzichemi |
Caroline Bonk |
“Diamond RnD for Fast Diamond Readout” |
TU Dortmund |
Donata Osthues Dr. Dirk Wiedner |
Nicolas Cartalade |
“Search for new particles decaying to a pair of Higgs bosons with the ATLAS experiment“
Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont |
Prof. Louis D’Eramo |
Giulia Fazzino |
“Suppressing pile-up contributions in the formation of topological clusters in ATLAS” |
TU Dortmund |
Dr. Chris Malena Delitzsch |
Simon Jeannot |
“The CONTUR tool and long-lived particles“
Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont |
Prof. Dr. Louie Corpe |
Joel Mainusch |
“Analysis of B0s → μ+μ− Decays as a Tool for LHCb – Run 3 Data Validation” |
TU Dortmund |
Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht |
Lorenzo Nisi |
“Asymmetries in rare three-body charm decays with electrons at LHCb”
TU Dortmund |
Dr. Dominik S. Mitzel Dr. Serena Maccolini |
Lorenzo Valla |
“Higgs boson properties and tau lepton identification at the s = 3 TeV Muon Collider” |
LIP – Lisbon |
Prof. Michele Gallinaro Prof. Maximiliano Sioli |
Watch here the video dedicated to this important day:
First Graduation Session – September 29, 2023

The first Master’s degree session was held in Bologna on September 23, 2023 in the historical “Aula della Specola” inside Palazzo Poggi.
Students enrolled in the academic year 2021/2022 discussed their theses prepared during the fourth semester of internship at some of the partner institutions of the master.
Student | Thesis Title | Institution | Supervisor |
Luca Balzani |
“Study of charge asymmetries of charm decays using early data of LHCb Run 3” |
TU Dortmund, Germany |
Dr. Dominik Mitzel |
Marco Colonna |
“Study of rare semi-leptonic baryonic charm decays for a measurement of CP violation and angular asymmetries” |
TU Dortmund, Germany |
Dr. Dominik Mitzel |
Ludovica De Gianni |
“Simulations of highly radiative scenarios of the JT-60SA tokamak” |
IRFM – CEA Cadarch, France |
Prof. Guido Ciraolo |
Elena Cuppini |
“Search for vector-like leptons coupling to first and second generation leptons
in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector”
TRIUMF and UBC, Canada |
Prof. Oliver Stelzer-Chilton |
Sara Sacchi |
“Optimization of advanced patterning techniques in semiconductor manufacturing using machine learning” |
imec, Belgium |
Prof. Bappaditya Dey |
Simone Ruscelli |
“Feasibility studies for the extraction of the efficiency of boosted W /Z identification algorithms
in diboson events using 13 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS“
TU Dortmund, Germany |
Dr. Chris Delitzsch |